Thursday, February 11, 2010


Dah sekian lama x menghupdate blog ni..umpama idup segan mati x mau hehehehehe. Tahap kemalasan yg begitu ketara dan semaksimum nye memaksa aku hanya 'bejalan-jalan' ke blog org lain tapi untuk blog aku ni dibiarkan sepi tanpa berita....
Well bru 2 bulan meniti tahun 2010 aku patut berbangga dengan pencapaian aku stakat ni.Menginjak ke tahun baru bersama umur yg baru, aku bakal menempuh alam pekerjaan yg baru..kira semua nya barulah thn ni.Anak aku pun baru masuk kindergarten, which actually its a "playskool" for children at her age.But then, its a good start for her, to mix around with new frens and enhance her social life (dah mcm mak dia pun..peramah).
Back to my new job, which i will start early Mac.Need to attend training for 2 weeks.Sad things is to leave my doter :( x penah lagi tinggal kan anak lama-lama, tapi nak buat mcm get a better life then u need to sacrifice skit...betul tak? My schedule will change drastically, with this new jobs. But hope I will be able to adapt and balance my working and personal life.
The support from my family is the most valuable things and I really appreciate that.

To my abg and tirah......"Thanks for the support and sacrifice you two had done for me"

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Awal Ramadhan...

Sekejap je dah ari ke 4 kita posa kan.Bila tanya anak aku posa tu pa...wah....laju je dia kasi jawapan:

Ibu : tirah x puasa ka?
Tirah : Irah kuasa (puasa) lah bu...
Ibu: bukan kuasalah kakak.Tapi puasa
Tirah: pa leh bu ni....kuasa tau...
Ibu: Puasa tu apa?
Tirah : Kuasa tu cam Upin & ipin..x bleh makan n minum...pas u kros bawa pegi pasar beli ayam
(sempat lagi tu relate posa dgn Upin & ipin)
Nilah kes telebih sudah...tgk upin&ipin ni....asyik nampak cd nak beli..nampak colouring book pun sama.Sng citer pa2 saje yg ade gambaq bck bedua tu mmglah konfem dia nak.

Berbalik pada citer posa ni..since ari kedua posa aku dah dok umah mentua aku.Ptg nye buka posa kat sana n truih tidoq sana.Biasalah kan..klu aku dok sana maksudnye laki aku x dak sini lah.....tak sure lagi bape lama nak kena stay sana tapi awai2 lagi aku dah ckp weekend je aku nak balik umah sendiri..bukan nye pa...lebih selesa tinggai umah sendiri kan.Yg best nye bila dok sana x yah susah nak fikir nak masak or beli menda utk bebuka coz semua dah siap sedia time aku balik keja ...hehehehe (nilah ckp org malas).
Minggu ni lak nampak gayanya aku kena buka and sahur kat ofis lah on wednesday...biasalah tender due.Tapi x pa...aku mmg dah plan ngan my fren that aku akakn buat tender on the 1st 2 weeks of ramadhan and she will continue doing for the other 2 weeks.Lagipun dia cina sng lah skit nak kowtim.
To my husband "Selamat Berpuasa di Lautan" hehehehehe.....

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Salam Ramadhan for all my frens x kira di mana berada. Sempena bulan yg mulia ni maaf dipinta andai ada salah & silap sepanjang persahabatan kita.
Moga Ramadhan kali ini membawa seribu kerberkatan.Selamat Berpuasa dan Bertarawikh

Harapan Ramadhan (Man Bai & Raihan)
Ku mengarapkan Ramadhan
Kali ini penuh makna
Agar dapat ku lalui dgn sempurna
Selangkan demi selangkah
Setahun sudah pun berlalu
Masa yang pantas berlalu
Hingga tak terasa ku berada
Di bulan Ramadhan semula
Puasa satu amalan
Sebagaimana yang diperintah Nya
Moga dapat ku lenturkan
Nafsu yg selalu
membelenggu diri tiada henti-henti
Tak ingin ku biarkan Ramadhan
berlalu saja
Tuhan pimpinlah daku yang
lemah mengharungi
segalanya dengan sabar
Kita memohon pada Tuhan
diterima amalan
Selangkan demi selangkah
dengan Rahmat Mu oh
Tuhanku...ku tempuh jua

Sg Klah-Julai

Tak der pa2 sgt yg aku n fammily buat bulan lepas.Cuma pegi jln2 kat Sg Klah.Actually tujuan pegi sana is to antaq my hubby nye aunty. Dia kena jaga bdk2 sekolah yg camping kat situ.Since dia x nak tidoq sana so she plan to go only on saturday and spend the whole day with the students.
While dia dok buat aktiviti ngan student2 dia me n family and also her kids pegi mandi2 kat kolam air panas(suam je pun). Anak ku seperti biasalah...mulalah x keruan bila nampak ayaq.Tambah lak ade cousin2 lagi...mmg x ingat lah dia dlm air tu.Dlm Sg Klah resort tu ade gak kolam air sejuk ni ..ala2 desa water park tu. Tapi that day yg the other kolam tu x buka coz tgh buat maintenance.Tak sanggup lah aku nak p berendam dlm ayaq suam2 kuku after about 2 hours kat dlm tu we all cuba cari tmtp mandi lain yg free the way masuk sana kena bayar..x igt lak bape coz tokeh yg byr kan.
Pas interview ngan makcik jual goreng pisang kat luaq water park tu dia ckp ade ayaq terjun kat dlm lagi.So pa lagi dgn pantas nye kita org trus drive masuk..lalu kat penempatan org asli.Drive punya drive sampai dlm betul lah kiranye end of the road bru jumpa tmpt tu.Tapi mmg puas hati gilo lah mandi kat sana.Ayaq dia mmg sejuk...We spend another 2.5 hours kat sana bfore kita pack and fetch my aunty.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Alhamdulillah....syukur pada Allah swt..huby aku dah sembuh(although not fully).He was discharge from hospital on 10th july (friday afternoon). The last day at the hospital, nurse tu siap ckp " selama 11 thn hospital ni buka , en nordinlah pesakit denggi (they mention denggi bcoz kat sini mana de malaria case)yg paling lama skali admitted".
Untill today he is still under medical leave since kaki dia masih bengkak. Based on the medical check up yesterday, doc said its normal that u sakit kaki and it will takes almost another 3 weeks to recover. OMG...that is very long and dia dah x tahan sakit tu.So he ask doc to gave medicine to lesser the pain.He's still weak but good to see that he gain back he's appetite.By the way the doc thanks him becoz now they have another patient with the same symptom with him(both malaria n denggi). And they can act faster becoz they have experience dealing with my huby.
Besides all this sakit, the good thing is that he quit smocking. And I hope that he really means it.Dugaan Allah itu ade hikmah di sebaliknye.
Again, thanks to all of u for ur support and encouragement. To, Mush : Thanks n hope to c u around in KL when ur back to Sing for Hari Raya.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Dugaan Allah swt

Actually dah 1 week hospital jadi rumah no 2 aku. Sebenaqnye bukan aku yg admitted tapi laki aku. Start dengan demam panas which on going for 4 days. In fact masa 3rd day tu kami dah p skali lagi kat klinik tu n dia amik darah in case takut denggi. But at that time the platlet count still 168 so consider oklah doc tu ckp.Than balik umah still x dak pa2 perubahan so the next day went and meet the doc again and he did 2nd blood test and now it drops to 123. So doc tu pun advice soh p hospital next morning since masa p check tu pun dah kul 8 lebih malam.
After calling my mom, my aunt than they advice to go to hspital that nite jugak.So kita org pun pack brg lebih kurang je than sent tirah to my in law hse and i drove to DEMC in shah alam where by hubby is to be admitted.That was on Sunday 28 june and upon arriving to the hspital my hubby nye blood dah drop to 68. Wow!!!! that was serious and truih lah doc kasi ayaq masuk dlm bdn lah.After settle all the admission nye procedure aku balik truih ke ijok n that was around 1am.Kiranye 1st nite tu aku x stay lah kat hspital coz aku tgk laki aku tu ok lagi.
Next m'ning arrive kat hspital at about 9am and aku amik half day cuti coz aku ade tender yg sgt2 lah penting nye since last minit cam ni susah nak handover tender costing tu anybody coz i'm the one that are familiar with my costing sheet.Tender due on 1st july so mmg aku x amik cuti sampai lah rabu tu baru start.
At this time my huby dah cam teruk sgt coz dia nye platlet dah jatuh sampai 30 and dia asyik cirit birit je. So doc transfer dia tu HDU (high dependency unit) for close monitoring.Segala bagai wayarlah dipasang kat bdn dia.Sedih tol tgk dia masa ni.Coz laki aku ni jenis yg x sakit slalu so bila sakit mak aiiiii....teruk lah pulak.Dia nye fever x yah ckplah..tinggi melangit ...mmg maintain 39-40 je.Due to his denggi dia nyer liver bengkak skit.
Sedih sgt tgk keadaan dia cam tu.Mula lah kpala otak aku ni dok igt benda yg bukan2.All my family from penang semua dtg to lawat my huby. And thanks to all of them for their support and cares.
Yesterday was yet another surprise for me since doc inform pulak yg dia kena malaria. This test was done since i've inform the doc that he just came back from Indonesia 2 weeks ago.So all relevent test was done and they found he has malaria as well. Malaria mmg ade ubat so he start the medication last nite and will continue until 3 days.However denggi mmg x dak ubat nye. Just a balance of water and into the body and also semangat yg kuat.Did i inform u guys that dia kena denggi berdarah.Phyisically mmg x nampak darah but perut dia membucit coz the fluid dok serap dlm perut dia.
Doaku hanya satu semoga laki ku cepat sembuh and dipanjangkan umur oleh Allah. Thanks to my ofis mate yg byk bagi support and thank also to those yg dtg melawat. well to mona , kami tau hangpa baca blog kami ..."trima kasih coz dtg melawat din"...
To all my dearest fren and family do pray for my hubby wellness.AMIN

Monday, June 22, 2009

Tesco K.Selangor & Pantai Remis

Aduihhh...malas betoi lah nak keja.jam bunyi kul 5 am tapi kul 6am bru bangun hehehehe.Klu x fikir pasai tender yg tgh dok prepare ni mau aku MC ....huahuahuahua.
Well last weekend ade lah aktiviti memotong rumput.Tapi bukan aku lah yg buat kan ;).x kose aku nak buat.Baik aku upah bangla soh mesin je.Tapi laki aku ni kan telebih rajin skit so dia lah yg mesin rumput.Trim pokok pandan yg dah cam belukar kat belakang.Tgh2 trim tu tejumpalah kulit ulaq....aku dah ckp dah awai tu kat laki aku yg ulaq mmg suka dok kat tmpt2 rimbun n sejuk cam tu.Capoi tol mulut aku..dah mmg konfem pun umaq tu dah bekampung siap salin kulit lagi.Bukannya pa, 2-3 hati sebelum tu ade ulaq tedung ni kat jln selang 2 umah dr umah aku.Tu yg laki aku pun fobia truih angkat mesin rumput n clear pa yg patut.Temasuk lah mengclearkan umah jiran aku yg kosong kat sebelah.Dia ni dah pindah n nak juai umah dia.So rumput2 tu tebiaq lah kan.Alang2 mesin sendiri truih je mesin umah jiran tu.
Malamnye we all pegi buat lawatan ke Tesco Kuala Selangor.Tak penah pegi lagi since dia open about 3months ago klu x silap.Mmg ramai org,maklumlah 1st hypermarket kat area situ.Bukan nak shopping sgt pun tapi klu dah masuk tmpt2 cam tu melayang gaklah RM tu.
Sunday ptg nye pulak, we all pegi lepak kat Pantai remis.Pegi pun dah dkt kul 6.Tirah ni klu nampak ayaq je truih nak swim. Tapi ayaq kat situ kotor lah...x lalu nak mandi.Ramai tol org kat sana. Kedai seafood kat sana mmg full je aku tgk. Kami cuma lepak2 mkn rojak buah n kepak ayam madu je. Nak mkn seafood dah kat umah pun masak ketam.Maybe next time lah leh mkn kat sana.Kat sana seafood dia mmg sedap, affordable n fresh.So klu nak gi mmg di alu-alukan.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Gather2 @ Linda's House

Last sunday I ngan anak i p melepak kat umah linday a.k.a jat. Besides me n tirah, norin,yeop n along sefamily pun join gak.Kiranya ni ladies nyer perjumpaan lah.Mmg best lah coz masing2 dah lama x jumpa.
Jat bru je pindah kat umah ni so kiranye ni our 1st visit to her house lah.Letaknye kat sentul,very developed area n pack.Tapi kemudahan semua nye cukup.The best thing is that, pasar cuma walking distance je.Jat plan nak buat steamboat tomyam so me n norin tlg dia buat tomyam je lah.Actually aku halfway je tlg coz tirah dah dok syok nampak pool kat bwh. So dia dah x sabaq nak p swim lah.Anak2 along lak x bawa baju xtra so dia org have to wait for edy nak send baju.Cuma aku n tirah je lah turun p kat pool.
Naik je basically semua dah ready tinggai nak mkn je :). Besides steamboat kita org ade meehoon goreng,nuggets,ayam panggang(ayamas),agar2 lapis and also mangga muda cicah sambal kicap. Perrrghhhhhh mmg sedapla semua nye. X ingt bape kali dok tambah mkn.Mana nak sedaq nye...sambil mkn dok berborak tgn pun cepat lah gagau makanan.
Lepak kat umah jat sampai kul 3 lebih.Thanks Jat for having time n provide place for us to lepak2. Lenkali jgn serik nak jemput lagi tau ;).
Lest Jat's hse and went to Norin hse pulak.Since Norin mai ngan aku so aku antaq dia balik umah lah.Lepak lak kat umah norin coz malas nak balik rawang pasai nanti pas maghrib nak gi airport lak pick up my husband. Yolah dah x sabaq nak jumpa laki oiiii.....hehehehehe

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